
I'm Darius! I like to make edits, drawings/paintings, websites, writing, photos, and more! I'm very social online, but i tend to be nervous in real life due to my autism, anxiety, and auditory processing disorder. I have many interests, like Kinitopet (if that wasnt obvious...) and murder drones! I tend to fixate on early 2000s aesthetic due to me being born during the time. I am 15, turning 16 in august! identify with fictionkin and fictionflicker, so I tend to say stuff like "_ is literally me!", and i also like to be called the name of the character im kin-shifted to. I also like to emulate 3DS games, so if you want to suggest any ill try my best to emulate them on my pc! I'll probably add more to this, but if you want to learn more about me you can add me on discord! i won't say no! (unless ur a creep)